Ed Deak (OK, I said no particular order, but Ed has contributed sooooo much, so he's first!) |
Phil Bailey |
Francine Mazuch (Joe Mazuch's daughter) who loaned 8 mm movies and photographs |
Randy Sullivan of Shell Canada in Calgary who loaned the '62 and '63 movies |
Werner Wenzel |
Scott Harvey Sr. for providing a better copy of the '68 Chrysler Canada movie |
Colin McQuirk for the loan of his photo collection and documentation |
Doug Wilson for information on the '61 rally that he organized |
Jack Long |
Hunter Floyd |
Ian McArthur for his photograph collection and anecdotes |
Dave Charters (son of John Charters) |
Ernie Regehr AMC Team Manager |
Paul Manson for letting me raid his scrap books |
Ed Moody of The Canadian Motorsport Hall of Fame Archive for the loan of part of the Jim Gunn collection |
Nancy Frey (Davidge) Jim Gunn's secretary for the loan of her material and stories |
Pat Gunn for the loan of the remaining bits of Jim's collection |
Robin Wright for donating his boxes of material to the archive |
Peter Bone for the background information he acquired as Jim's right hand man |
Fred Anderka |
Don Elliott |
Jim Kenzie, Motorsports writer in Toronto, for carrying the torch :-) |
John Slade (John passed away in November 2003) for scanned photographs |
Derek Harling |
Doug Fraser |
Bob Cowie |
Barry Hamilton |
Steve Carrick |
Robert Watson |
Ian Morgan |
Leo Katila |
Diana Carter |
Paddy Hopkirk for the oral history I collected at International Mini Meet in 1999 |
Sylvia Gozzard |
Minota Van Bergen (Ewald's wife) from South Africa |
Dennis Wharton |
Larry Louie, son of Norm Van Louis |
Rich Carrol |
Tony Rudis |
Tom Johnston, motorsports historian in Vancouver |